The Bridge Forward Plan

  • Additional 42,000 + sq ft state of the art gymnasium

  • 4 critical secondary classroom spaces including science labs and enhanced spaces to grow with changing technological advancements
  • Commercial kitchen
  • Indoor concession area
  • ADA compliant upgrades
  • Increased parking space and on-campus roadways to safely and adequately service our families, faculty, staff, students, and guests.

Thanks to God’s grace, the generosity of a handful of early givers, and the wise stewardship of Shalom's Board of Directors, we are already on our way to meeting our goal for the new building. 

New Building                                                               $10,000.000.00
Early Commitments                                                    $4,000,000.00            
Remaining Phase 3 Fund Opportunity                    $6,000,000.00
Future Expansion Fund Opportunity                       $7,000,000.00

Total Comprehensive Campaign Goal           $17,000.000

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Will You Join Us In Prayer?

In early 2024, we invited the Shalom community to join us on a prayer campaign for Shalom’s Christian Academy’s expansion. We continue to pray to to seek God’s guidance to do God’s will with God's provision on God’s timetable for our building project. 

Even though the corporate prayer campaign has concluded, we invite you to continue to pray with us as we move forward. Here is a list of prayer topics and verses we are praying through. 

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Why Now?

Programming must expand to meet changing needs including offering increased space for new staff & students, more athletics options across grade levels, and adapting to changing technology needs in the classroom.

Shalom’s student population has exploded from 87 students at our founding in 1976 to almost 700 students today - our student body has doubled in size in the past 10 years alone.

Our campus is struggling to meet the requirements of a dynamic student population - families expect physical space expansion to match our growing student body as increased classes of elementary students move into the secondary program.

Indoor athletics events can no longer accommodate playoff games due to audience attendance records, costing money for relocation and limiting the ability for Shalom to showcase our school to a broader audience.

Middle & high school lunch periods have been split into smaller groups to fit the current lunch space, reducing opportunities to build relationships across classes.

PreK-12 school events such as the annual Christmas assembly and first /last day celebrations have been eliminated due to space constraints, reducing interaction across grade levels and limiting community events and activities. 

Thank you for prayerfully considering a donation!

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What Have We Accomplished?

Our founding families built Shalom Christian Academy to be a modest and welcoming building. They had the incredible foresight that has made it possible to add onto the original, 1975 structure multiple times over the last 45 years.

In 1986, we completed the second wing to the school as well as a gymnasium. 

We made other minor renovations over the years, but by 2019, it was clear that we needed to make a significant capital investment. Phases 1 & 2 were completed in 2022 which included an overhaul of HVAC system, added air conditioning, and replacing original doors and windows. Our growing enrollment necessitated more classrooms and larger, more flexible gathering areas that support our living curriculum and community ethos. We also required the flexibility to have up to three classrooms per grade for the elementary classrooms. 

As an ALICE Certified School, we are committed to creating a safe and secure environment, so improvements to security are also needed. In order to enhance programming and best prepare students for their futures, we need to make investments in fine arts spaces, the gymnasium, and STEM classrooms. To accommodate more office staff and student services, we need more space for administrative work. 

The pandemic stalled our efforts after 2022, but the Shalom community has shown a renewed energy for completing Phase 3 as soon as possible.